Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5-- Canyon de Chelley

Another day at the Canyon. We hiked the White House ruins trail down into the canyon-600 feet in less than a mile. Then a walk along the Canyon floor to the ruins of a Anasazi cliff dwelling. The trail down was great, but the hike back out of the Canyon was something else (especially at 6500 feet altitude). We made it though with only about a dozen rest stops and were very proud of ourselves. For future reference, you can hire Navajo guides to take you on horseback and jeep tours of the canyon. I was seriously thinking of hiring one to haul me out of the canyon. After cooling off and eating lunch, we headed out to Moab, Utah (about 175 miles). Thankfully, we had reservations, because it is very busy here. There are some serious jeep trailer queens here in our park. They make our jeep look like a step-child. Nevertheless, we are heading out tomorrow for some serious adventures; maybe if we get stuck one of the trailer queens will pull us out. Pictures were taken from the Canyon floor.

1 comment:

  1. The cliff dwellings look really neat! Are you not allowed to get any closer?

    I'm glad you didn't have to get rescued by a trailer queen. I'm not sure I understand that term. Are they actually pulled on trailers instead of being towed like yours? I think I just figured it out. You always told me I was smart, and I is.
