Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21--Torrey, Utah (Aquarius Plateau)

PICTURES: 1. Big Lake reservoir; 2. Top down but so windy and cold had to put windows in; 3. Wind on top of knoll in picture 4; 4. Just had to try side trail up knoll.

The vicious winds returned today and are promised to continue through tomorrow. Ugh, I'm really glad I'm not in a tent!

Ignoring the wind, we headed out this morning for a drive on the Acquarius Plateau. More geology notes (for me): Roughly centered on the Four Corners region of the Southwest U.S. is the Colorado Plateau which is nicknamed Red Rock Country. The Acquarius Plateau is an uplift on the much larger Colorado Plateau. The Acquarius is the highst plateau in North America with over 50,000 acres of mostly forested highland over 11,000 feet.

Our plan was for a 60 mile loop running along the Plateau. But the higher we went the more snow we encountered until after about 25 miles the road was snow covered and even Gary decided it might be a bad idea to continue. It was a very interesting drive; very different from other areas here.

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