Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 7

PICTURES;  1. California Gulch -- end of the plowed road; 2. California Gulch; 3. snow on Engineer Pass; 4. Pat and Gary on Engineer Pass; 5. Gary at Corkscrew Pass.

This is our last day in Ouray and we headed out to the Alpine Loop.  The road from Ouray to Engineer Pass wasn't open (later we were told that road is in really bad shape) so we traveled south on 550 and went to Corkscrew Gulch which we love.  Lots of snow had melted since last week and consequently the creeks that we had to cross were now rivers.  But we made the crossings in good shape.  We had been told that the road from Corkscrew to Hurricane Pass on to California Gulch into Alpine Loop was open, but guess what--still snowed in.  We did drive to Engineer Pass and enjoyed seeing the snow.  After that, we drove back to Silverton and onto the scenic hwy to Ouray.

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