Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 17--South Fork

Gosh, ten days since my last post!  We rolled into South Fork, Colorado and Aspen Trails RV park on June 8.  We plan to stay here for one month (unless we get a call to come to Texas early).  Gary loves this park.  It has all of the "big six" (water, electricity, sewer, satellite, wifi, and cell signal) and is $285 (plus elec) a month.  His kind of place!  June is definitely off-season here and everything is pretty quiet.  But we didn't leave the wind in Utah; we put up our awning but had to take it down after a couple of days of high winds.

The roads here in the mountains are not plowed, but we haven't seen too much snow.  Today we went to Creede to check on the roads at the Forest Service office there.  We were told the Rat Creek/Willow Creek trail was open--so off we went.  This is a 4WD road off the Bachelor's Loop out of Creede.  We drove up the Rat Creek to the San Luis pass and then down Willow Creek (clockwise out of Creede),  We made it but I think that saying the road is "open" was tongue in cheek.  Several places the road is washed out and the creeks were very high and tricky to cross.  One washed out place I got out and was supposed to help direct the tires on each side of a crevice.  I was a lot of help--all I could do was scream "back up".  My driver finally got through another way with only 3 wheels on the ground.  But the pass was beautiful (and very windy).  We had a great time (5 hours on the trail) and didn't see another soul.  That's not too comforting when you consider how long the hike is back to town.

PICTURES:  San Luis Pass in the Rio Grande National Forest north of Creede, Colorado.

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