Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5--South Fork

Embargo Creek was the area of today's adventure.  We took a different route than previous trips and drove to Milk Cow Pass and Groundhog Park road 650 (about 18 miles into the mountains north of Hwy 160).  After the first few miles of dusty gravel road, the trail narrows and became very scenic.  We saw no one else for hours.  On the return trip, we made a loop off the main road--649 and 648--great 4wd trails that passed an interesting large opening mine.

PICTURES:  1. Groundhog Park; 2.good place for camping hammocks on Groundhog Park; 3.Milk Cow Pass; 4.-6.mine

1 comment:

  1. They name things so creatively there. Milk Cow Pass? That's great.

    The mine looks very creepy...
